Slendrina Wiki


The player is you. Not much is known about the player, but you know yourself. As the protagonist/player, you need to avoid Slendrina and her family in order to finish the games in the Slendrina games. You must find useful objects and items to help you escape the different games that you come across. You as the player would also need to find out the mystery of Slendrina's family when playing the Slendrina games. It is possible that the protagonists of slendrina series and the granny series are different people.

Granny & Granny Chapter 2[]

In games such as Granny or Granny chapter 2, the player has the ability to hide under beds, cabinets, tunnels, Granny's car, and other safe hiding spots. The player can also crouch and stand up whenever or if the player wants to.


  • Even if he's a human, he can't run and jump.
  • The body of the Player doesn't appear until the release of Slendrina 2D(when the player's name is introduced as Alexander), but probably isn't the same character since he escaped.
  • If you try some bugs and glitches in these games by trying to see yourself, you not gonna see anything, you'll only see the invisible.